Bevacizumab in the treatment of uterine cervix carcinoma
Doc. MUDr. Josef Dvořák, Ph.D.1; MUDr. Igor Richter2, Ph.D.; MUDr. Jan Prokš1; MUDr. Aneta Rozsypalová1; MUDr. Jana Grimová1
1 Onkologická klinika, 1. LF UK a Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
2 Oddělení klinické onkologie, Krajská nemocnice Liberec, a.s.
A prospective randomized phase III clinical trial, GOG 240, demonstrated a statistically significant increase in progression-free survival and overall survival in the first-line treatment of metastatic or locally advanced inoperable cervical cancer. Bevacizumab in combination with paclitaxel and cisplatin or alternatively in patients who cannot be treated with platinum, paclitaxel and topotecan, may be indicated for the treatment of adult patients with persistent, recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer.
Key words
uterine cervix carcinoma, systemic treatment, chemotherapy, bevacizumab
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