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Atezolizumab in breast cancer therapy

02/2020 MUDr. Nikol Rušarová; MUDr. Marie Bartoušková
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer of women (except of skin tumors). In addition, up to 30 percent of women with early-stage, non-metastatic breast cancer at diagnosis will develop distant metastatic disease. Currently due to preventive examinations and mammography examination the incidence of breast cancer is increasing, which was 146 women / 100 000 inhabitants in 2017. But mortality decreases due to new possibilities of treatment and enlargement of the treatment armamentarium. In 2017 the mortality rate was 34.7 women / 100 000 inhabitants.

Current treatment management of metastatic HER-2+/HER-2- breast cancer

02/2019 MUDr. Nikol Rušarová, MUDr. Marie Bartoušková, doc. MUDr. David Vrána, Ph.D.
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and despite the gains in early detection, up to 5 percent of women are diagnosed with metastatic disease at the time of first presentation. Due to development of new molecules breast cancer is now a chronic disease, while metastatic disease is still incurable. It is a heterogeneous diverse disease composed of several biologic subtypes that have distinct behaviors and responses to therapy.